ORF 1 and SW Laola TV covers SVS STRÖCK




Austria's women table tennis champion SVS STRÖCK is an increasingly popular target object of national and international television.





The last Champions’ League group match between the CL-finalist from Lower Austria and Hungary's top team Budaörsi SC moved three TV stations to Schwechat in the Werner Schlager Academy.

The ORF sent a team and announced a contribution in Sportbild of

9 December and a repetition of this report on ORF Sport Plus.

Local radio station SW 1 also designed a contribution that will be shown at sw1tv.at.

Laola1 TV covered the whole match live, which ensured that the women's team of SVS STRÖCK could be watched throughout Europe.

SVS STRÖCK, established in the 2010/2011 season, went straight to number one in Austria and to a big player on Europe's stage. The team improves its advertising value every month and will continue to grow in the coming seasons. More on that in the near future. . .

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