SVS Ströck is Austrian Champion



A few days before the first ETTU Cup final against Lille the SVS Ströck girls presented themselves in top form despite the stresses and strains at the World Team Championships in Tokyo (Japan) and secured the title in the easyTherm table tennis national league. In any case the 500 spectators at the Sports Hall Vogelweide in Wels got presented top-class table tennis.


Although they had to compete in the final tournament at the home state of their permanent rival (Note: Linz Froschberg) even twice against a team from Linz. In the semifinals against the LZ (Note: Leistungszentrum) Linz- Froschberg only the double of individual European champion Li Fen and her Hungarian colleague Petra Lovas was lost 1:4. Result: a smooth 4-1 success and the ticket to the final showdown against Linz AG Froschberg


In the opening match between Li Fen and Liu Jia the Linz player never really got into her game. The current No. 17 in the world from Sweden won 3-0. After this defeat, Sofia Polcanova could equalize ​​with her 3-0 victory over Tetyana Bilenko. A hard-fought 3-1 victory of the Czech Iveta Vacenovska against Daniela Dodean Monteiro then brought the lead to Linz AG Froschberg. The double Daniela Dodean Monteiro / Li Fen equalized in immediate return. In this varied way it continued: Liu Jia defeated Tetyana Bilenko 3:1. With a 3-0 of the European champion Li Fen against the Austrian promising youngster Sofia Polcanova it was 3:3 at the end. A so-called "shoot-out" (deciding set to five points) thus had to decide the final. In this thriller, it was then SVS Stroecks ' Li Fen who kept the nerves and won the set 5-3 against Vacenovska.


After 2011 and 2012, this was the third champion’s title in the easyTherm table tennis national league for the players of SVS Ströck.

Martin Sörös, SVS Ströck Manager and CEO of the Werner Schlager Academy: "Anything can happen with six players among the top 70 in the world. Li Fen on our site is simply a share. On both sides, the players have felt the aftermaths of the World Cup. The victory today will be an extra motivation for the ETTU Cup final."

The results in detail:


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