Tamara Boros

Achievements and Profession

1993.-1997 member of STK "Mladost" Zagreb
1997.-2007 member of "Statisztika" Budapest (3 time European champion cup winner)
2007 member of STK "Mladost-Iskon" Zagreb
September 2012 coach in WSA

Achievements as active player

1995 European junior championship 1st place - junior girls singles
2nd place- junior girls team event
1998 European championship 2nd place - women’s singles
1999 Croatian pro tour 1st place - women’s singles
2000 European championship 3rd place - team event
3rd place - women’s singles
2002 European championship 1st place - women’s doubles
3rd place - women’s singles
2002 German pro tour 1st place - women’s singles
2002 European TOP 12 1st place
2003 World championship 3rd place - women’s singles
2003 Qatar pro tour 1st place - women’s singles
2003 European championship 1st place - women’s doubles
2nd place - team event
2005 European championship 1st place - women’s doubles
2nd place - team event
3rd place - women’s singles
2006 European TOP 12 1st place
4 times Olympic Games participation 2004
5th place in doubles and singles
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Das WSA Team - Tamara Boros


Contact: office(at)wsa-tt.com